Exquisite Knit + Crochet by Indra Dovydėnaitė | AllegraNoir.com

Exquisite Knit + Crochet by Indra Dovydėnaitė

In Knitting by Cinnamon McCullum

Based in Lithuania, Indra Dovydėnaitė has her Masters in Costume Design. Her home, studies and adoration of vintage patterns are what makes her delivery of stunning knit and crochet attire that range from freeform pieces to impressively tailored assembles, so special. From what I understand, she comes to the US to display at various art and design shows, so with a bit of luck I’ll get to see some of her work up close.

Exquisite Knit + Crochet by Indra Dovydėnaitė | AllegraNoir.com

Exquisite Knit + Crochet by Indra Dovydėnaitė


Exquisite Knit + Crochet by Indra Dovydėnaitė | AllegraNoir.com

Exquisite Knit + Crochet by Indra Dovydėnaitė


Exquisite Knit + Crochet by Indra Dovydėnaitė | AllegraNoir.com

Exquisite Knit + Crochet by Indra Dovydėnaitė