A friend recently introduced me to the work of Arielle de Pinto by sending me a link to her site in an e-mail with the subject line “This is So You!” And he was so right…
NYFW Spring 2014 Collection
As we all know, everything regarding fashion, has fundamentally been done before. But what’s fresh and new is HOW something is done and because of this, I found the Spring/Summer collections here in NYC to be…
Creating the Chanel Cardigan
Last year, one of the courses I took at F.I.T. was Knitting Machine 101. The studio was full of intermediate and advanced hand knitters, and we were all reduced to head scratching, frustrated novices with giant question marks over our heads…
Felt Attire by Diana Nagorna
Years ago I purchased a lovely “boiled wool” (a more formal term for felt) coat that I call my Princess coat because of the nipped waist and floor-length full skirt. I wear it for special occasions and/or when I’m feeling more dramatic than usual. It has incredible weight, structure and drape to it…
No Idle Hands For The Devil Here
Recently, I came across a few articles online regarding how designer Raquel Guimaraes produces her line of hand-knit accessories. In-your-face headlines such as “Inmates Work for Fashion Designer…” or “Hardened Prisoners Knit Clothes for Time off Jail Sentence” will really grabs ones attention…
Organic Adornment
Shop proprietress Ewelina created her Cynamonn (cool name ::ahem::) moniker based on warm memories. She makes organic jewelry using linen, wool, lava beads, shells, gemstones…
Sculpted Knits = Smart Knits
One of the more challenging aspects of knitting is when you want to sculpt a knit to conform to a specific shape, like a neckline going into a shoulder or…
Street Art by SPIDERTAG
Came across this really neat fiber artist in an interview on StreetArtNYC.org. SPIDERTAG is from Madrid, and travels the globe with a suitcase full of yarn and nails…
Manuel Albarran : The Metalsmith Matures
This is a bit off topic, having nothing to do with needlework – but it does concern something that has been used like a textile for ages. Many moons ago, I worked at Patricia Field when it was on 8th Street as an Assistant Accessory and Lingerie buyer…
Magic Starts with a Solid Concept
Originally from Lithuania, Laura Theiss proclaims that crochet is in her DNA. Surrounded by crochet and knit work as a child and educated by the family matriarchs…
Hello Summer
When I was a kid and it was insanely hot out, my Mother would say “Think of ice cubes.” Bless her heart. These day the thermostat gets way up there and takes the humidity along for the ride…
Saja Was Here!
Craft darling Richard Saja is adored for the simplicity, vibrancy and cheeky quality of his Historically Inaccurate work. Taking Toile de Jouy and stitching in colorful spots of embroidery…
Denim Redeux
I want to see Ian Berry’s workspace. I picture him happily hunched over a canvas, furiously cutting up bits of denimu (Japanese for “denim” and also his moniker) for his remarkable collages…
Drape and Crimp
I understand Elisa Strozky’s attraction to wood. Some of my favorite crafting tools come from trees. There is something about the smoothness of polished wood, how it warms between the fingers…
This Is For the Dead
In Mexico City, a group of embroiderers have taken on the duty of memorializing hundreds of cases of murdered and missing women. Refusing to let these recurring crimes and political corruption silence the victims…